Supplements To Enhance Surgical Recovery

From: The purpose of this information is to increase the rate of healing and minimize scar formation. Individuals who follow this program routinely heal much faster than normal, with less pain and swelling and […]

L-glutamine and Gut Health

Did you know that your immune system health is directly related to gut health? A condition known as ‘leaky gut’ may be impacting your digestive health and sending your immune system into overdrive.   L-glutamine […]

L glutamine Supplementation for Leaky Gut

Leaky gut syndrome (also called intestinal permeability) is a malady that can occur in the small intestine. Traditional medicine does not typically recognize ‘leaky gut’ as a genuine medical disorder; however evidence continues to accumulate […]

Myths and Facts About L-Glutamine

It is a common belief that L-Glutamine is only useful as a health supplement for those involved in extreme physical activities, such as body builders and weight lifters. What you may not know is that L-Glutamine […]

Is It L-Glutamine or Glutamine?

You may be wondering why the terms ‘glutamine‘ and ‘l-glutamine‘ seem to be used almost interchangeably. The ingredient labels for l-glutamine powders or capsules can be confusing. Is there a difference between glutamine and  l-glutamine […]

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